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About AheadForm

AheadForm Technology is dedicated to the development of high-end, ultra-bionic humanoid robots. Founded by Dr. Hu Yuhang, a PhD graduate from Columbia University in the United States, the company is committed to integrating cutting-edge AI and humanoid robotics technologies into the field of service robots, creating humanoid robots with highly interactive capabilities and realistic, lifelike appearances. 

The company focuses on deep research and exploration in core technologies, including artificial intelligence, large language models, robotic control, representation learning, self-supervised learning, and revolutionary bionic skin. Through technological innovation, ShouXing Technology aims to advance the intelligence and personalization of robots. With relentless innovation and practice, ShouXing Technology is gradually injecting powerful vitality and energy into the humanoid robotics industry, not only accelerating the leap towards more intelligent service robots but also laying a solid foundation and providing reliable support for the materialization of AGI (Artificial General Intelligence).

Realistic Humanoid Robot + AI

The company is committed to becoming a leader in the field of humanoid robotics, guiding the world towards a smarter and more harmonious future.

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